Thursday, November 25, 2010

One yEar and Three Days' Love Journey

One yEar and Three Days...
AND it would be a short journey, if i'm still walk along and get through this journey v my beloved....
buT now, its seEmed i've gEt through a lOng joUrneY after we end uP thiS oNe yEar anD tHreE dayS' lOve JournEY....

During this JournEY, we've been through a lot of happy n unhappy...
wE had foUnded diamondS n we haD foundEd crap stones tOo...
diAmonds, foR HapPinesS...
CraP stOnE, foR the sAdnesS...

wE botH touT tAt wE caN found DiamondS all de Way...
wE tout taT theRe is more N bigGer DiamondS aT de othEr side oF de hiLls...

hEres de storY goin....
ThEre is nOt suCh easy To fInd a BiggeR diaMonds iN thIS jOurney...
wE founD a lOt of BiG dIamonds At tHe stArting PoiNt aNd itS doesn't Means taT wE caN fouNd thE diamondS alL dE waY Till thE EndIng poInt!!

ThiS iS tHE tRuth anD tHe RealiTy....
TherE iS nO trUely haPpy eNdinG's LovE sTory wiTh reaLly nO CrueL aNd uNhapPy...

tHinK bY coMMon senceS...
WoulD a MinE taT fulL of DiamondS n neveR beeN FulLy diggeD fOrevEr beinG eXisted???
TherE iS nO sUcH ridiCulous ThinGS iN tHis WorlD!!
eSpeciAllY a CruEL aND rEalitY worlD Of EarTH!!

nOW, bAck tO thE StorY....
aT thE beGinIng,
wE sAw a LoT oF DiamOnds GlittEriNG oN tHis rOAd oF tHIs JOurneY...
aNd at tHE saME time wE dO havE a loT oF optioN...
a LoT oF rOad tO bE tAken WiTH a LoT oF difFeREnt PartneR...
anD sHE iS goING tO beGin witH anOther gUY oN a RoaD wHich FulL oF cRap sTonE On tAt tIMe....
ShE cHooseD tO gO v Me...
bEgaN ouR adventurE wHich fulL oF sHinnY dIAmonds oN tHE roAD oF beGininGs....

aT The BeginiNGs wE dO founDed a Lot oF hugE n ShiniNg DiamondS...
bUt wE meT a Lot oF hiLls AnD sTreams tOo....
SomEs iS veRy dAngerouS...
BuT wE alwayS smile anD feEL sO haPPy whEn wE get trOughed all thosE hIlls And StrEamS...
We FounD a BiG dIAmondS evErytImes wE got ThrougH dE tEst...

AftER 11 Months...
wE're Goin tO geT thRough a ReaLLy hUge'S hiLl...
wE toOK A long tImEs to gEt over iT....
We boTH tOut taT tHere's a HugE diAmonDS EvER awaITs foR us bEhiND thE hillS...
We fOunD a MosT bIg n uNwantEd cRap sTOne eVer BehIND tHis biG biG hiLL....
fOR goD saKE...
wE sMIled tO eaCH othER....
We tolD eAch otheR taT wE cAN foUND aNotHER BiG biG diaMOnds aGAin...
As lOng aS wE don't giVE up...

AnD hErE We aRE!!!
AfTer a Month oF roUGh jOurney,
We'vE rEached iN fRont oF a bIGgeST n A hIGhESt hiLL we evER Met....
HerE'S sHould B a ClimaX of THe StorY......
A bIggEst aND highesT HiLL evER...
Its ShoulD bE a LegeNDary huGE aND shINing dIAmond bEhind It!!!

'ThiS will Be waT The rEader ThinkiNG iN minD wHEn saW thiS paRT..."
aND I tHiNK alL oF tHE reAder shouLD hAve thesE twO iDEaS AbouT The Ending OF de Story...
>>>"They must found a huge diamonds behind the hill and have a wonderfull journey!"
>>>"They must found no diamonds but only crap stone behind the hill and disappointed!"

buT ...

itS noT....

ThiS iS hoW ThE StoRy eND uP...
We bOth toO ScaRed tO bE diSappoInted anD BotH oF uS felT toO tirED aFter wE fouND a

CrapPY StonE aFter The biG hilL tHat wE'vE clIMb sO hArd bEfoRE tHiS...

AnD wE hAve fOund No diAMonds anymorE bUt tHose liTTle CrappY StonEs oN tHe waY wE

cAme tO ThIs BigGEst anD hiGHest Hill!!!

sO sHE dEcidEd tO tAke tHe roaD noT takeN....

anD i'M sTandinG all alONE right iNFront ThE hILL anD tHiNK: "sHoulD i Wait hEre fOr hER

to CoME bAck aND climb 2getheR??"

wE doN't eVen nOE whAt's HidiNg BehInd dE hIll....

And tHE tiMEs passINg tHrough...

Its bEEn One Month and 2 Days im sTanding iN frONT tHE hILL...

But She neveR ComeS back aNymore...

pErhaps i Should Juz Start A nEW jOUrney WitH mY aNotheR sOul mAte...

mAyb sHE hAd FoundED a bRand nEW jOurney WitH fUll oF diAmonds...

AnD i Shall nEver LooK bAck oN tHE preVious jOurney...

As HoW i'vE Done iN maNY jOURney bEForE thIS....

tHIS sHOuld nOT bE mY lAst JournEY....

i sHoulD tAke tHE rOAd noT taken tOO...

As wHat shE decidED...

EvEN hOW cuRious i aM about Whats HidiNG bEhinD dE Hill....

BuT tHis iS tHe fAct.....

The Journey Ends Up In 368 Days,Began On 20th October Of 2009 And Ended On 23rd October Of 2010.